Saturday, July 7, 2007

you gave me a rainbow dangit

Dear God. You gave me a rainbow yesterday. I'm tired of doing all this on my end, it's Your turn. Thanks. -Elise

Yes well, I hope it works like that. I need a faith overhaul, and I'm starting yesterday. I also say the hell with depression and those demons can go back to from whence they came. Dear God I want it to work for good. Please. You gave me a rainbow yesterday. Yes, I know everyone else saw it too. But rainbows are a promise. Noah got the first rainbow. And it was a promise. So I want my rainbow too. My promise. I know I have to do work too. But God please. This is important. I know everything is important. O God, I want to do things, I want to be a person, I want to be Your person, but I need Your help, I need help. I know I can't do this on my own, and that to hope that now will be any different is hoping for a miracle, but hey, You're the one to go to for a miracle, right? My name means consecrated to God. I no longer believe that was just a coincidence. Please, help me stay focused, help me stay strong. I know things will happen that I will be unable to control, and things will go wrong, and be bad, but please please, dear God for the love of all things holy, please keep the rainbow promise. Please be with me, please help me remember You are always with me, and please keep the demons at a safe distance. Please help me love and be loved again. O God only You can do and be what I need, and You know. Amen.

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