Tuesday, July 3, 2007

new post (i know, so original)

This is my new blog. Journaling to oneself is so overrated. I don't know, it just seems more encouraging or more effective and worthwhile if there's even the possibility that someone else will read it. Maybe I'm worth more than I know. And I love writing. So if you happen to be someone I don't know and stumble across this anyway, read it, comment if you wish, that's what the world of blogging is for, and I would appreciate it, we grow when we receive feedback from others. This first post is going to be short, b/c I just created the blog and now I'm getting tired and have to meet someone at noon tomorrow and still have to shower etc. But maybe, if the rest of my life doesn't end up happening in any semblance of what I would appreciate, maybe my writing will remain, and leave some testimony, some fragment of help and hope to some other soul in this world. One never knows.

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