Saturday, August 11, 2007


It is possible that I have found some mercy. Finally. I don't want to count chickens before they hatch, or count eggs before somebody steps on em (or however R-J put that), but my visit with a counselor has made me think there may be hope for me yet. I have not had good luck with the psychological profession in the last year or so, and have lost most all faith in them in general. But I went to a guy the other day who happens to be of the same theological persuasion that I am, which I have not seen before. Well, actually, I did at some point, in a way, but my theological persuasions have changed in the last few years, for the better I would like to think. Anyway, I visited with him, and he treated me like a person, and I didn't feel uncomfortable and basically I think the relationship could possibly work. And God knows I need to get my life sorted out. So, not believing in luck, I just wanted to say that maybe, just maybe, this is my chance, my hope. Finally I am ready to tackle this, and I have to, I can't quit now, or I'll never make it. So may God have mercy on my soul, as I embark on this endeavor, and hopefully make ground for the better, I will probably experience more bad days, and hopefully more good days overall in the long run. I am watching Evolution right now, therefore my concentration is diverted and not wholeheartedly focused on writing right now, I only wanted to make comment to my hopeful turn for the better. And pray for the rest. Amen.

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