Saturday, October 25, 2008

Jesus vs social justice

I was reading the note from the editor in this November's issue of The Lutheran, and towards the end it quotes a letter from a reader who had decided to let his subscription run out because he thinks "many of the people writing for The Lutheran try to tie diversity and social justice issues to the ministry of Jesus and in doing so misinterpret the Bible." I just wonder, after reading that, what this person thinks the ministry of Jesus was about? I am almost afraid to guess. Why does this person think Jesus ate with tax collectors and sinners? Is that not related to social justice? Jesus related to Samaritans, and that is not related to diversity? I don't think God really plays favorites with God's children. I think our human understandings limit our ability to appreciate the diversity of this world, but if God created all of us, why would God not love all of us and want all of us? God sent Jesus to redeem the world, and while we have royally screwed up this world, I don't think that means God has been limited in God's power to redeem. I think people have done many great injustices to other people. We are all human, all equal. All broken, needy, suffering, just trying to figure out how to live with what we have. I do not understand how some can be so cruel and lord over others. Well, I feel like I'm rambling a little, but I just want to point this out, and raise awareness, and ask you to think about this.

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