Friday, February 13, 2009

Did you know...

...we still have dinosaurs? Or maybe I'm reading that wrong. I guess so. My oatmeal asks "Does the term 'dinosaur' apply to all animals living from 230 million to 65 million years ago?" and answers, "No. In fact, some of the animlas living then, like cock roaches, sharks, and crocodiles are alive today." No, my oatmeal was not talking to me, this is written on the package. The other package tells me dinosaur teeth tell us whether the dinosaur ate meat, plants, or both. That I learned in school. I would like to point out, though, that this oatmeal told me this stuff back when I was a kid, which was like 12-15 years ago (which makes me feel really old, but anyway). I feel like the oatmeal had more trivia though, these always say the same thing, and have parts of other trivia on the sides that are cut off, but they all look like that, so I wonder who gets the rest of it. I also must say that I'm not surprised cockroaches knew the dinosaurs...some of them are probably the same roaches! That's also why they'll survive the Apocalypse (see a few posts previous). I just thought you might like to know. What did you learn from YOUR breakfast?

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