Saturday, January 5, 2008

what a gift!

This was on the Chicken Express sign in Seguin the other night when my roommate and I went there to eat. I must say, that is quite an amazing gift card they have available there. If you need gift ideas for the future or a very belated Christmas, I think this may be an excellent solution. Hmm, sounds a bit like a modern day indulgence....

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

quotes from philosophy

Here are the notable quotes I got from my intro to philosophy class this past semester. All but the one noted are from the professor. I should probably note that the meaning of the word philosophy is "love of wisdom."

"They're instituting things in public schools because children are overweight...I wonder if they'll call it 'no child left with a behind'?"

"It's October... Do you know where your parents are?" (??)

"Then the big essay. What's it going to be over? Probably something major."

"Assignments coming in late will be graded with prejudice."

"Did you write in red pen?" (peer to peer after seeing the one's unsatisfactory test grade)

"Hugging a tree is a good thing to do every once in a while. It's like hugging your great grandfather."

"Read Meditation II for God's sake... or your own sake."

some favorite quotes

I decided to share some of my favorite quotes I've heard from others in my college years. Enjoy. I've left off authors for privacy reasons.

"It's a good movie to nap through."

“Why were there 3 men in a tub in that nursury rhyme? What were they doing, and why do we teach kids that?”

“I think the little mouse ran out of the wheel in her head.”

“It’s like eating a maraca.” (referring to Nerds gumballs)

“Can you go on a honeymoon without getting married?” “I think they call that a vacation.”

"Technically Jiminy Cricket was a grasshopper since he was green." "He also had shoes and an umbrella, but we won't go into that."

A comment I got from a prof on a paper once: "I think you have something important to say here, but I lose track of what exactly it is."

"Too bad there aren't two "b's" in the alphabet."